Vol. 8 No. 3Α (2015): Innovation and Research in Open and Distance Learning and in Information Communications Technology

Published: 2015-11-01

The creation of interactive educational material with the method of distance education

Δημήτρης Ραλλιάς, Παναγιώτης Αναστασιάδης

Digital Storytelling in Tomorrow’s World: Through Students’ Metaphors

Marianna Vivitsou, Dimitris Konetas, Anastasia Tzima, Christos Pasias

Exploiting the Edmodo Environment in Actions for Supplemental Distance Learning Education: An Case Study in Primary Education

Κατερίνα Λάζαρη, Χαράλαμπος Μουζάκης, Γεώργιος Κουτρομάνος

E-Learning education in confectionery

Σημέλα Ιορδανίδου, Ξανθή Χουλιάρα

Using "Inspiration" in Teacher training via asynchronous learning

Μαλαματή Καταφιώτη, Σοφία Μητρούλια, Στέφανος Αρμακόλας

Distance Education: References in the Greek Press during the period 1943-1954

Ελένη Παπακωνσταντίνου, Θανάσης Καραλής

Application of innovative TQM tools in classroom

Ιωάννης Γαλανάκης, Μαρία Μαλαγκονιάρη, Κλεοπάτρα Ντέλιου

The communicative role of school websites of Primary Education in Achaia

Άννα Κόκκαλη, Χρήστος Παναγιωτακόπουλος, Ιωάννης Καμαριανός

Student learning experience: the Hellenic Open University as a case study

Βασιλική (Σύλβη) Ιωακειμίδου, Αντώνης Λιοναράκης