Vol. 7 No. 2A (2013): Μεθοδολογίες Μάθησης
Distance training for enterprises: motives and barriers by the case- study of KEK-ELTA
Κωνσταντίνα Ζήκου, Αδαμαντία Σπανακά
E-learning, the online distance learning: New education approaches
Γεώργιος Πολύδωρος
Ε-learning and Webinars: Teachers’ and students’ views
Ευγενία Τόκη, Αθανάσιος Σύψας, Αποστολία Παγγέ, Τζένη Παγγέ
The Pygmalion Effect, its impact in the learning process and the teaching applications
Μαρία Νιάρη, Ευαγγελία Μανούσου
New curriculum of Early Childhood Education: reflection on the dimensions promoting critical literacy pedagogy
Ελένη Τουρκοχωρίτη, Έλενα Γρίβα
Success Features of distance learners: An implementation proposal for Hellenic Open University (HOU)
Αδαμαντία Σπανακά, Aσπασία Θεοδοσίου
Distance Education Primary and Secondary Schools and Programs: A Literature Review
Ανθία Mίμινου, Αδαμαντία Σπανακά
The Online Learning Communities and the Directions for their Sustainability
Ιωάννα Βουλγαρίδου, Κυριαζής Χατζηγιαννάκης
Utilization and usability of online learning communities in the learning process
Ελένη Μελίδου, Μαρία Αυγερινού
Action Research on Using Flipped Classroom Principles to Teach Upper High School Biology
Alexandra Kouloumbaritsi, Eva Dimitroglou, Evangelia Mavrikaki, Dia Galanopoulou
The female student in the HOU. The barriers to attendance and their treatment
Παρασκευή Βασάλα, Ειρήνη Κονταρίδου
A pilot e-tutoring program for first and second grade students of lower secondary education (Gymnasio)
Spyros Doukakis, Cleo Koutroumpa, Theodora Chira, Georgia Michalopoulou
Open Educational Resources and Open Courseware in Higher Education
Σοφία Παπαδημητρίου, Αντώνης Λιοναράκης