The Communities of Practice aw a supportive tool in the Basic Teachers Education

Published: Jun 9, 2016
Online Communities Communities of Practice Social Software
Φεβρωνία Ρουσάκη
Απόστολος Κώστας
The aim of this study is to investigate the use of Communities of Practice for Teachers Professional Development and to set the basic elements of an Online Community of Practice which supports the Basic Education and the Teachers Professional Development in Greece. There is given a basic clarification of terms, concepts and the key features of success of Online Communities of Practice abroad. Then, the research focuses on presenting a theoretical model to actice teachers and on recording their views and intentions regarding the practical rse of this model. In conclusion, the assessment of the findings clearly depicts the current ueality and highlights the pontentia utility of the Online Communinies in orden to acquire informal learning and train teachers in a Social Software encironment.
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