The effect of the predispositional factors on internet use: a research on primary school teachers

Published: Jun 9, 2016
Dispositional Factors Self-Efficacy Motivation
Αχιλλέας Ευθυμιόπουλος
Βαρβάρα Μασούρου
Χριστίνα Λιούτα
Νικόλαος Αγγελίδης
Νικόλαος Κάτσιος

In recent years, the Internet has developed rapidly and Internet use has become a prominent communication and social phenomenon. People have concerned with the effects of the Internet on people and society. A plethora of research conducted from the UGT perspective has indicated that individual dispositional factors and motivation are important antecedents affecting Internet uses and effects. This study was predicated on the UGT assumption that the impact of the antecedent factors on Internet uses and effects may be mediated by other factors such Mental and Emotional Involvement. Therefore we focused on the affect of dispositional and mediating factors such Internet Self-efficacy, Internet Anxiety, Motivation, Media Involvement and Interaction Involvement on Internet Use. We used purposive sample and the participants were schoolteachers in primary education. The results of this study suggest that important predictors of Internet Use are not demographics, individual difference variables or Internet Exposure. Rather Motivation and Involvement were significant predictors on Internet Use and they have not received enough attention on previous media use research. The results also suggest that the predispositional factors such Internet Self-efficacy and Internet Anxiety is more important predictors on Internet Use than are Motivation and Involvement. Therefore, to improve people’s Internet use, policymakers, technology trainers and facilitators should focus on how to increase Internet Self-efficacy and decrease their Internet Anxiety. 


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Αχιλλέας Ευθυμιόπουλος, ΕΚΠΑ
National and Kapodistrian University of Athens