Ε-learning and Webinars: Teachers’ and students’ views

Published: Jun 9, 2016
e-learning distance learning blended learning webinars
Ευγενία Τόκη
Αθανάσιος Σύψας
Αποστολία Παγγέ
Τζένη Παγγέ
E-learning is increasingly used in higher education. The study aims to investigate higher education students’ in clinical professions and kindergarten teachers’ views on e-learning and conferences / seminars attendance via the internet (webinars). The results of the study indicate that e-learning and webinars can be considered as important additional teaching tools with great value in education. Students seem to realize e-learning’s and webinars’ potentials and their contribution to the completion of their studies, future professional development and lifelong learning.
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