Design and Development of Interactive Cross- Curricular Educational Digital Course “Katoxi & Emfulios” (“Occupation & Civil War") for the teaching of History in 6th Grade of Primary School

The school subject of History should become more attractive to learners and knowledge should cease to take place within the narrow framework of standardized learning environments. Such an effort constitutes the interactive, cross-curricular, educational digital course "Katoxi & Emfulios" (“Occupation & Civil War”), which is displayed on the site The digital course is based on the curriculum of chapter E9 "A Decade of Races and Sacrifices for Freedom (1941-1949)" of the school book of History in 6th grade, concerning the Occupation and Civil War period in Greece and aims at an alternative teaching approach of the subject. Its design is based on the pedagogical principles of constructivism, student-centered approach, cross- curricular, multi-sensory approach of knowledge through the use of Information and Communication Technologies (ICT). After the design and development of digital material, a heuristic evaluation was conducted to examine the usability of the site’s interface. The heuristic evaluation was based on the 10 heuristic rules of Nielsen and Molich (1990). This evaluation showed by quantitative results that the digital material "Katoxi & Emfulios" has a remarkable interface and tested the results of the heuristic evaluation as reliable, which allows them to be generalized to the population of the sample.
Therefore, the digital course is suitable to be used in the teaching of History in 6th grade, as well as from a wider age range of learners during festive events, for a comprehensive, improved and out of the ordinary framework experiential learning experience.
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