The Flipped Classroom Model Supports Drama in Education

Published: Dec 21, 2017
flipped classroom educational drama flipping classroom educational methodology
Sofia Theodor Papadimitriou
Sylvie Ioakeimidou
Gelly Manousou


 This paper based on a case study provides a conceptual and pedagogical framework along with methods and techniques that teachers may incorporate in their teaching: Drama in Education and Flipped Classroom. Drama works either as an art form in itself or as a teaching / learning methodology. In others words, it works as a teaching / learning object or as a medium to teach other subjects. Flipped classroom is an alternative approach of instructional design where traditional teaching methods are reversed. Flipping Classrooms proposes new roles for teachers and students: students become active learners and teachers have the responsibility to create modern and authentic learning environments (curators). Teachers encourage, support and facilitate learning in personal or collaborative activities. Drama in education and flipped classroom seem to fit ideally as they share the shame vision of a student centered approach, active student’s participation and a teacher that guides in the sidelines of the educational procedure. Τhey work as excellent complements to each other.

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