Distance Learning: Some parallels with conventional learning and administrative principles

Published: Dec 21, 2017
distance learning conventional learning wider administrative principles evaluation new public management.
Δημήτρης Κιούκιας

Distant learning is often opposed to conventional learning, the latter often being signified by more physical proximity between teachers and students. Therefore, a comparison between the two forms of learning will, according to the previous argument, help better clarify the former. At the same time, this approach will help us understand the premises upon which distant learning may be based, probably some good old principles, aided albeit by new technology, which stand not far from general administrative principles tried nowadays.

Three areas of inquiry are chosen: “Distance”, “Evaluation from below” and “Evaluation from above”. Through this structure, in addition to exploring the main question, we get the opportunity to extract useful lessons about basic relationships between teaching staff and students as well as enrich our analytical methods, especially when we come to terms with coursework.

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Δημήτρης Κιούκιας, Ελληνικό Ανοικτό Πανεπιστήμιο
Tμήμα Κοινωνικών Επιστημών, ΣΕΠ/ΔΕΟ24/ΠΑΤ2
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