Quality Characteristics and Attributes of Digital Educational Material for Distance Learning

Published: Jun 9, 2016
digital educational material quality characteristics quality attributes
Ελένη Δήμου
Αχιλλέας Καμέας

This research paper presents a number of quality characteristics and attributes of digital educational material that is suitable for adults’ education via Distance Learning. The proposed model adopts the software quality standard ISO/IEC 9126, takes into consideration the theories of adults’ learning, and the characteristics of Distance Learning and is based on two models of teaching planning: Kolb’s model (cycle of learning) and Gagne, Briggs and Wager’s model. According to Holmberg Distance Learning includes the various forms of study in all levels that are carried out without the instructors’ presence. Students profit from the organisation, guidance and teaching provided by some educational institution and learns using a specially designed training material. In the present paper, firstly the description, analysis and categorisation of the characteristics and sub-characteristics of the digital educational material that constitute the quality dimensions is given. Then follows the description, analysis and categorisation of the quality attributes of the digital educational material.

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