Διαδραστικό Περιβάλλον Μάθησης «Ένα Γράμμα Μια Ιστορία» Μια Καινοτόμος Μορφή Εκπαίδευσης

Published: Jun 9, 2016
alphabet interactive games animation
Σοφία Μαντουβάλου
Αρίσταρχος Παπαδανιήλ

The Interactive Web-based Learning Environment “A Letter - A Story” is an innovative multimedia-learning package aiming to teach preschool and primary school pupils the Greek alphabet and language through entertainment.

Through play and active participation, the multimedia package reinforces preschool learning skills which lead to the progressive written literacy in the first grade, thus meeting educational objectives such as emergent literacy, phonological awareness of the letters, recognition of the written phonetic symbols and their position in words, exposure to the written language, understanding the function of letters in words, listening and proper production of sounds.

Pupils familiarize with letters and sounds of the Greek alphabet and language through 24 verse based, funny, surrealistic animated stories, which combine the educational language with that of fairytales and television. Each episode is designed within a context of interdisciplinary and holistic approach to knowledge and thus supports the School Curriculum in an innovative, original and attractive way putting the arts of poetry, animation and music in the service of education. In addition, interactive games have been designed corresponding to each of the 24 letters of the cartoon series. Upon designing the interactive games, the contemporary trends of emergent literacy and the development of educational objectives by B. Bloom, were taken into account. The Interactive Learning Environment “A Letter - A Story” was designed to provoke most of the senses and therefore it supports pupils’ active participation and decision-making, gives control to the players, provides opportunities for exploration, reinforces the skills of attention, concentration, seeing, listening and of course memory.

The multimedia package project will also include a printed as well as an e-book interactive game edition. Producer of the project is the Department of Educational Radio-Television of the Greek Ministry of Education, Lifelong Learning and Religious Affairs: www.edutv.gr

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