Modern teachers' professional development: Implementation of a distance learning model in intercultural education

Published: Jun 9, 2016
staff development in-service teacher education distance education
Κωνσταντίνος Μπίκος
Μενέλαος Τζιφόπουλος
The in-service training of teachers in issues related to educational content and teaching methods is linked directly with their professional development. The modern greek teacher has to address the challenges the multicultural class poses, through the adaptation of the principles of intercultural education. ICTs can provide valuable means for the teachers' training through the distant training applications. This study will present the results from the evaluations of 1068 teachers from all over the country and from various fields of levels and expertise (i.e. primary teachers, early educators) on the distant training seminar they attended for intercultural education. Results showed that the participants evaluated very positively the functionality and the effectiveness of the blended e-learning model. Moreover, the study discusses the relation among various reactions and perceptions of the teachers and various characteristics of their professional identity.
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