Case study of conducting collaborative distance learning activities in a conventional educational institution

Κωνσταντίνος Αντωνίου
Μάριος Μπακρατσάς
Θρασύβουλος Τσιάτσος

The emergence of new educational needs in combination with the need for flexibility, has forced many educational institutions into using flexible learning models in order to improve the quality of the provided services. Τhis paper presents a blended learning activity that took place in the Computer Science Department of Aristotle University of Thessaloniki (Greece). This activity aimed to support junior undergraduate students to successfully complete their project. This blended learning model has included face-to-face and web-based asynchronous educational activities (through the use of a forum), as well as web-based synchronous educational activities (through the use of a web-conferencing tool). This blended learning model was applied in combination collaborative (synchronous and asynchronous) activities, not only among the undergraduate students that participate in this course, but also between these students and senior students (who had succeeded in the course in previous semesters). Senior students were responsible for supporting the junior students in their efforts of elaborating the project, by providing advices on how to build the project, while at the same time solving problems that the students, who undertake the course, might confront during their work on the project..

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