The use of the Moodle platform as a tool for distance training of teachers of Secondary Education of Crete

Published: Jun 9, 2016
Moodle educational content personalized learning interaction
Γεώργιος Βουζαξάκης
Ειρήνη Γεωργιάδη
The aim of this study was to investigate whether the use of the Moodle platform in a program of distance education for teachers of Secondary Education of Crete, supported the personalized learning and enhanced interaction with the content and the participants aw well as the communication between the participants. For the purpose of this research, three interviews took place, one with the coordinator and two with the instructors of the program. The qualitative research showed that the use of the platform provides the opportunity to learners for personalized learning and studying at their own pace and time, therefore supporting distance education and adult education. Moreover the research found a significant interaction between the participants through the Moodle platform with satisfactory learning outcomes. Another important finding of the research is that learning can be achieved through the use of the platform as a pedagogical tool that encourages the collaboration and the communication and not just through the simply use of the platform.
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