Improvement of the dissertation assignment procedure at Master's Degree Programs: The case of HOU MBA program

Published: Jun 9, 2016
Master’s Degree dissertation assignment supervision matching
Athanassios Mihiotis

Α dissertation is the prerequisite for receiving a Master’s degree at the end of the course. Writing a dissertation presents one of the most creative challenges of this post-graduate program. Students are offered the opportunity to prove that they are in a position to use the knowledge they have gathered during their studies and to carry out research into a topic of their choice, related to the aims of the Program and under the guidance of a supervisor. This paper presents the dissertation assignment procedure at the MBA program of HOU. The assignment procedure rests on an automated matching system between supervisor’s research topics and students who have applied for dissertation, aiming at the speedier completion of the dissertation procedure, as well as the improved quality of the elaborated thesis.

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