Building a Moodle front-end for Greek language learning

Published: Jun 9, 2016
Adaptive e-learning systems Moodle LMS Greek language learning efficient e-learning
Χ. Νικολάου
Μ. Σκουραδάκη
M. Καμπουράκη
Θ. Κουτσουράς
Γ. Κούτρας
Α. Ψυχαράκη
Learning Management System (LMS) environments can be powerful tools in education, especially when they are combined with core learning principles, and principles of interactivity and adaptivity. In the case of Greek language learning, e-learning environments need substantial improvements in order to provide effective solutions to the end user. This paper aims to describe an e-learning environment that is being developed for the learning of the Greek language.
This environment is an interdisciplinary effort and is designed to provide an effective solution to the end user. By following the latest research directions, the working teams have been developing high quality digital content (animations, multimedia content, HTML pages enriched with graphics, etc.) that is being categorized with respect to the users’ expectations, characteristics, and knowledge. The environment uses the Moodle LMS in order to exploit the features of courses, quizzes, user tracking, and tools of collaboration and communication. Moreover, new Moodle features are created, or extended in order to fulfill the Greek language learners’ educational needs. For the same purpose, the Moodle embedded representation of content as lists of resources is being encapsulated through a graphically enriched navigation system. The material is thus presented to the user in a flow that is educationally documented.
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