A comparative analysis of the relationship of autonomy and interactive distance between conventional and non-conventional educational systems

Published: Nov 1, 2015
transactional distance autonomy distance learning conventional education
Σοφία Χαλκίδου
The open and distance education systems using the method of distance learning provide an opportunity for lifelong learning, which does not require the physical presence of learners during the learning process. An important concept of distance learning is transactional distance, which concerns all kinds of educational systems andrefers to the communicative and psychological distance between the teacher and the learner. Moreover, the main purpose of distance education systems is to make the learner autonomous so as to be able to undertake the responsibility and control of his learning path on his own. Graham Moore in 1993 has linked these two concepts in the theory of transactional distance according to its increase between teacher and learners that lead to the increase of the autonomy of learners. Moore’s theory has received strong criticism from many theorists, but most checked these two concepts separately and even surveys which examine the connection of autonomy and transactional distance limited mostly to students studying at distance. The purpose of this research is a comparative study of the connection between transactional distance and autonomy to undergraduate students studying in conventional and non-conventional educational systems to verify or reject the validity of Moore’s theory.
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Σοφία Χαλκίδου, Ελληνικό Ανοικτό Πανεπιστήμιο
Εκπαιδευτικός Μεταπτυχιακή Φοιτήτρια