Η συνεργατική μάθηση στην εξ αποστάσεως εκπαίδευση: Η περίπτωση των δραστηριοτήτων αξιολόγησης της μεταπτυχιακής Θεματικής Ενότητας ΕΤΑ52 του ΕΑΠ

Εξώφυλλο πρακτικών συνεδρίου
Published: Mar 19, 2024
Evaggelia Manousou
Μαρία Κουτσούμπα
Θεόδωρος Βάβουρας
Κωνσταντίνος Γκαραβέλας
Δημήτριος Γκόντζος
Κυριακή Εμμανουηλίδου
Αναστάσιος Μάτος
Αποστολία Παγγέ
Ευγενία Παξινού

This paper presents the results of the qualitative research conducted in the spring semester of 2022-2023 for the evaluation of the compulsory assessment activities of the Thematic Module TE ETA52 "The educational material and the design of teaching and learning" of the MSc "Education and Technologies in Distance Teaching and Learning Systems-Sciences of Education/ETA" of the Hellenic Open University (Hellenic Open University) in 192 students. The data were collected from the personal observations and recordings of the 9 SEPs in the Group Counselling Meetings and the students' answers in the examinations to an open-ended question on the topic. It was found that the results of the mandatory assessment activities are positive in the context of distance education and contribute to the cultivation of many 21st century skills as well as reducing students' sense of isolation. Important factors for the qualitative outcome of collaborative assessment activities are the well-defined framework concerning the formation of groups, support for synchronous and asynchronous communication, good formulation of activities, etc. The role of digital tools supporting asynchronous communication such as collaborative documents was highlighted as very important. The main concern and fear of the students emerged to be time management.

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