AI in education: Towards an autotuned magic flute?

Εξώφυλλο πρακτικών συνεδρίου
Published: Mar 19, 2024
Ροδάνθη Τσώνη
Vassilios S. Verykios

The AI hype has brought on the spotlight technologies that led some circles to argue that we are unleashing AI as a completely untested technology with possibly dangerous implications for society. Despite the scaremongering, AI applications have improved our lives in many fields. In education its implementation has already been made but with minor impact evaluation. This paper examines the concept of AI fairness, focusing on the field of education. In the first section, we present some basic information and definitions of the important concepts of the field of Artificial Intelligence. The next section concerns the application of AI, mainly focusing on educational contexts and how they can enhance the process of teaching and learning. The problem statement section follows, describing several cases where AI produced biased decisions. The next section presents the notion of fairness and equity and how they can form the future of AI for the benefit of humanity. The paper closes with the conclusion section where the main takeaways are presented.

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