E-learning, the online distance learning: New education approaches

Published: Jun 9, 2016
E-learning learning theories student’s modern characteristics learning material
Γεώργιος Πολύδωρος
This paper is a literature review on the new educational approach, the distance education exclusively by internet (e-learning). It’s necessary, due to the rapid changes in technology, modernizing education at all levels, so the people that will be 'produced' will be able to meet the new challenges. In this context, the developed new learning theories, such as the information processing theory, the syndesiasm theory and the learning supported by computer, which are considered novdays more effective than directed or commonly said traditional learning methods. These learning theories best suited to the student’s modern characteristics, because the students are experts in using new technologies. The methodology of e-learning incorporates the above learning theories in such a way that learning occurs through a process of interaction between the student’s individual characteristics and the web environment and so becames personal for each student. The teacher in this learning environment is not working as a ‘bank’ of information for the student, but as a supervisor of the learning processes, supporting autonomy. Afterwards, this paper examines the forms of educational material with which the learner interacts and the advantages which characterize this interaction. Finally, another issue addressed by this literature review is the online learning communities and their role in the methodology of e-learning.
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