Architecture for Education in Open Sim environments

Published: Jun 9, 2016
digital educational places digital architecture Open Sim Second Life
Ευαγγελία Κακλιδάκη

Open Sim platform is open source software that allows the creation of three-dimensional digital worlds accessible via World Wide Web by many users in the form of digital incarnations.
These environments are used by popular and anonymous educational institutions to carry out distant learning courses. Training takes place in organized digital building complexes, or individual sites of specific function such as reception areas, training rooms, showrooms, testing areas, libraries, educational simulations. Activities that take place, exploit the characteristics of the digital platform in order to achieve various educational objectives. The low cost, versatility and scalability of spaces, the feeling of physical presence of members of the educational community even from a distance, the possibility of synchronous and asynchronous communication and file transfer and data, the ability to create and save content, enhance the quality of teaching and teaching spaces, contribute to the individual customization of curriculums, secure flexibility in time and space, provide potentials for self learning, self-motivation, teamwork and connection to other educational environments. Problems related to the desertification of the worlds, lack of architectural education and experience of those who organize digital educational facilities, simplification of the graphics because of technological backwardness of modern computers will need to be addressed for the effective function of digital schools.

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