Δραστηριότητες στην εξ Αποστάσεως Εκπαίδευση για την ανάπτυξη γνωστικών δεξιοτήτων: Συμπεριφοριστική και Κονστρουκτιβιστική προσέγγιση

Εξώφυλλο πρακτικών συνεδρίου
Published: Mar 19, 2024
Σοφία Αντώνιος Κυριζοπούλου
Αδαμαντία Σπανακά
Αντώνης Λιοναράκης

The distance learning educational material, through the activities included, aims at acquiring cognitive skills through which the learner will be able to reinforce their learning experience and create new possibilities for prosperity and success in the social environment they live and work. Which, then, are the criteria for the selection of such learning activities that aim at reinforcing the skills of creativity and critical thinking? The theory of cognitive constructivism supports the creation of multifarious, comprehensive learning activities which will be based on the learners’ prior knowledge and will build around a central concept. In constructivism, great importance is given to the behavior itself as well as to its alteration. All of the learners can learn, develop skills and progressively shape their desired behavior through positive reinforcement. Consequently, learning activities that have a clear targeting are carefully designed and laid out while providing positive stimuli that create reaction, thus reinforcing a particular learning behavior.

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