Virtual Learning Communities and the case of People with Disabilities in Virtual Worlds

Εξώφυλλο πρακτικών συνεδρίου
Published: Mar 19, 2024
Ασημίνα Κατσούδα

The purpose of this study is to highlight the role of Virtual Learning Communities and the accessibility opportunities provided by virtual worlds, particularly for People with Disabilities. Within this context, an initial brief literature review was conducted concerning Virtual Learning Environments and the possibilities they offer in the realm of Distance Education. Furthermore, additional research was carried out regarding Virtual Learning Communities within Virtual Worlds, primarily focusing on Second Life, which, according to the literature, remains the most popular platform within the educational community due to its openness and diverse creation and interaction tools. Additionally, reference is made to Virtual Learning Communities and Support Communities for vulnerable social groups and People with Disabilities, which provide support to these individuals and their caregivers, as well as organizing awareness-raising activities for the broader public. Moreover, the significance of the digital environment in overcoming obstacles present in the 'physical' realm is emphasized. Through this study, the opportunities presented by virtual worlds are highlighted in enriching learning experiences and enhancing accessibility within the context of Open and Distance Education. Simultaneously, the possibilities for improvement in the educational, social, and professional lives of People with Disabilities and vulnerable social groups are emphasized.

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