The creation of interactive educational material with the method of distance education

Published: Nov 1, 2015
technologies of (I.T.) and communication easy to use material interactive video-conferencing interaction educational technology living educational experience education from a distance
Δημήτρης Ραλλιάς
Παναγιώτης Αναστασιάδης
The objective of this project is the creation of interactive educational material which utilizes the existing experience and knowledge of the educational procedures from a distance.
At the beginning of this dissertation the theoretical framework of this project is explained mentioning the usage of Information and Communication Technologies (ICT) in the educational process. The objectives and the characteristics of education from a distance are specified. The contribution of the subject – matter and the interactive educational material from a distance is scrutinized on the learning process and its permanent results. The meaning of interactive video-conference is explained and the possibilities of its pedagogical utilization. The way we create the educational environment is described focusing on the traditional-technocratic theory and the student-centric-learning. Moreover the learning, socio-learning facilitation of the educational material from a distance is registered. The models of elaboration of visual and oral information and the basic principles of the creation of the educational environment are also registered.
The evaluation of knowledge which is mentioned above in brief, has as a purpose the creation of an environment which educates its users from a distance upon the pedagogical use of interactive video conferencing. For the improvement of its content and the operation of this environment there was an inter-educational evaluation whereas for its final structure there was a new evaluation with the usage of questionnaires by the students who made use of this platform.
From the final evaluation, it has come out that the medium has been corrected and brought forward a greater degree of satisfaction through the intervention that came about during the formative evaluation. Moreover, the tasks were marked with almost complete acceptance and satisfaction and a relatively small percentage of difficulties (mainly technical). The use of means of social media and generally taking advantage of the huge possibilities that technology offers for educational and social conditions created an attractive and co-operative environment for learning.
According to the purpose of this dissertation which was put forward in advance, there came forward an environment which is easy to use, interactive and shows understanding from the side of its user. The additional intervention of the users in the creation of the environment is something to be explored in the future. Another additional subject of exploration is the use and evaluation of the educational environment by a larger number of people with the purpose of the best possible adaptation of this means and the general evaluation of results. Through such a process there may come out the verification of the theoretical framework or even new facts that will make us think more and explore further.
The final stage of the project includes, the deductions but also the comments supplied about the educational environments which were created and also the general survey at this particular field of investigation
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Author Biography
Παναγιώτης Αναστασιάδης, Παιδαγωγικό Τμήμα Δημοτικής Εκπαίδευσης Πανεπιστημίου Κρήτης