Digital Citizenship and Education: conceptualizing and examining the idea of today’s digital citizen and its formulation through the educational process

Published: Nov 1, 2015
digital citizenship citizen ICT rights skills education knowledge
Μαρία Μαρινάκη
Globalization and modern technologies dominate in the contemporary discourse on the history of modern man. In view of the fact that they constitute the main axes of today’s analyses, they seem to have established the most comprehensive and predominant twofold, which is strongly and profoundly influencing the capacity of the individual as an active, consistent and responsible subject. Today’s (active) ‘world citizen’ or ‘global citizen’ seems to be pertinent to a transcending form of the State which expands and diffuses in space and time, unveiling the dynamic and multifaceted context that defines the lives of the individuals. Being a citizen bears by definition the moral and factual obligation to respond rationally, respectfully, sensibly and responsibly to the demands of a highly heterogeneous environment that appreciates and values diversity and complexity. At the same time, as a social being, today’s global citizen is expected to contribute to a harmonious 'symbiosis' conforming to the societal norms of the actual sphere of human coexistence but also within the boundless spectrum proposed by cyberspace in parallel and alternatively to the idea of the modern State. The new type of (digital) citizenship sets new requirements and requisites in accordance with those of the digital era, creating a sophisticated frame in which it envisages today’s global citizen. In its turn, education reveals itself as the most appropriate means of strengthening and supporting the identity of the global citizen through the complex and sometimes misleading paths evoked by the contemporary technological progress and development, in an attempt to diminish the profusion of the deceptive lures of technology and avoid the call of the Sirens in today’s globalized world.
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