Interactive Evaluation: Action Research in the introduction of digital learning to blended education

Published: Nov 1, 2015
Polymorphic Educational Material Action Research Criteria-Indicators of assessment eLearning Learning Management Systems Moodle Interactive Evaluation
Δημήτρης Λάσκαρης
Μανώλης Χαιρετάκης
Μιχαήλ Καλογιαννάκης
The current study examines the way action research can be utilized for the initiation, design, development and implementation of digital learning in the context of blended education. We define the prototype model of evaluation, the “Interactive Evaluation” and suggest ways for the use and assessment of production tools, communications, distribution of digital content and management of an e-course that is included in Moodle and the Polymorphic Educational Material that has been developed in the digital platform of Media Distance Education (Medie) for the Communication and Mass Media Studies within the tertiary education in Greece. The case study is related to the participation of 62 students in the non-compulsory digital course as supplementary educational activity of a conventional module within the programme of study of Communication and Media Studies Department of the University of Athens. Utilizing the modules of Moodle as a Learning Management System we investigated and assessed how and why certain criteria of cooperative, active learning and critical approach to knowledge can be organized as general indexes of social constructive and student centered education. The process and the outcomes of this study elaborate the factors that influence and encourage the participation and active involvement of students in order to evaluate an e-learning course.
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