ICT in primary school: From learning theories to pedagogical practices

Published: Nov 1, 2015
education innovation learning theories ICT skills computer internet interactive whiteboard educational software
Ραχήλ Μυσερλή
Within the context of social, economic and cultural changes, the traditional teachercentered way of teaching is gradually replaced by new pedagogical approaches based on active learning and the prospects of social constructivism (Lave & Wenger 1991, Kim 2001). Different forms of education have emerged focusing in interdisciplinary learning environments, development of creative and critical thinking and cultivation of high quality student skills. Furthermore, the role of teachers becomes more and more consultative and supportive during their teaching performance in order to help students acquire new knowledge through practice and experimental activities. As a result, one of the most significant changes in this prospect is the integration of ICT in primary school. It reflects a new era in the way that students learn enhanced by digital tools and innovative learning practices. Extensive use of computers and interactive whiteboards in classrooms, research for information on the Internet and creative learning through attractive educational software are some of the most important characteristics of modern schooling.
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