Film education in the 2nd High School of Argostoli: Case Study, the effect of creating a short film on the emotional intelligence of first grade students

Published: Nov 1, 2015
film education short film experiential learning project method emotional intelligence role play organized game group cooperation learning
Χαριτίνη Λιναρδάτου
The film education in school is an innovative learning experience, which first grade students of the 2nd High School of Argostoli have used within the Health Education program «Playing and Learning at School". Students participated in the 5th Panhellenic Student Competition of short films "A planet ... an opportunity" with the 6 minute short film "Pure Play", its content relating to in-school violence (bullying). Applying the «project» method, students had the opportunity to approach in an experiential and interactive way the development of steps required to create a short film. They assumed roles (actors, screenwriters, directors, etc.) in order to implement the idea of the script. The research interest in this article focuses on the "impression" of their own eyes in the creation of the short film investigating the development of cognitive and emotional skills, particularly those of emotional intelligence.
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