Learning Approaches and Experiences of F2F and Web-based Communication in the Context of a Distance Life-long Learning Program

Published: Nov 1, 2015
Distance learning face-to-face communication web-based discussions learning approaches learning experiences
Χαράλαμπος Μουζάκης
Αγορίτσα Γόγουλου
The study focuses on the investigation of trainees’ conceptions in terms of their communication with the educator and their co-trainees in the context of a distance life-long learning program. An open-ended questionnaire was used in order to investigate the trainees’ engagement in the learning process as well as their learning experiences. The phenomenological analysis of the research data revealed that the face-to-face communication supports the exchange of trainees’ opinions and the establishment of a positive learning context resulting into deep approaches to learning and cohesive learning experiences. On the other hand, the use of web-based discussions focuses on the provision of explanations to issues related to the educational material used and to the learning activities that were carried out.
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