Good Practices of Using Digital Audiovisual Media in Online Learning Environments

Published: Jan 22, 2022
Digital Media Audiovisual Media good practices digital literacy Online Learning Environments7
Sofia Theodor Papadimitriou

The penetration of Digital Audiovisual (A/V) Media into the daily routine of students raises the need of their integration in the learning process. Using A/V Media in learning implies the acquisition of new knowledge, the cultivation of new skills and attitudes that are indispensable in the differentiated Media ecosystem of 21st century society. This paper will focus on digital literacy in A/V Media and approach good practices of using video in the contemporary school putting emphasis on its pedagogical use within the classroom, its integration in online learning environments and courses, creating videos at school, flipping classrooms, and also the use of open educational video-resources. Good learning practices based on Digital A/V Media need to be disseminated and extended to school education. In addition, it is necessary to create the conditions for the methodical use of available open A/V resources focusing on the systematic organization of teachers’ professional development.

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