Distance learning of Mathematics in a Primary School in Dodecanese in the context of compulsory e-learning

Αγγέλα Καλφοπούλου
Παναγιώτης Αντωνίου
Αδαμαντία Σπανακά

During the Covid-19 pandemic the lockdown of education facilities was for a lot of countries one of the measures against the spread of the virus. In Greece, the conventional in-person learning gave its place to distance learning, a form of school distance education that combines synchronous and asynchronous methods of teaching. The purpose of this case study was to record the functionality and the experiences of teachers in a Dodecanese primary school in the compulsory  distance learning of mathematics. There was an investigation for the degree of pedagogical use of Distance Education’s methods and tools in the educational process in the context of compulsory distance learning.
The perspective of adopting the good practices of compulsory e-learning for the conventional class, was also considered. The survey brought together six teachers from the school, who conducted the corresponding semi-structured interviews, and three of them carried out two-hour surveillances in the maths course through distance learning. The results showed that the pedagogical dimension was sidelined in the implementation of compulsory distance learning, as teachers put emphasis on achieving the teaching objectives and covering the curriculum. The lack of teaching time, the multiple technical problems and the lack of interaction played a key role in this, as has also the lack of relevant training. Teachers were positive in maintaining and adopting good practices in their return to the physical class.

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