The Use of Information Technologies in the Teaching of Psychology at the University

Olga Filatova
Polina Dobronravova
Anastasia Tagunova

The use of distance education technologies has gained high popularity in recent decades and has been actively implemented in various educational organizations of the Russian Federation. It became especially relevant during a pandemic that limits the conduct of lessons in classrooms. Distance education is implemented on the principles of traditional Russian education through the use of information technology. The article reveals the problem of using information technologies and distance education in Russian universities, as well as the peculiarities of using distance learning technologies for psychology students in Russia during a pandemic. The principles of the organization of the educational process are given: the age characteristics of adolescent students, the characteristics of the leading activity at this stage, the characteristics of the educational and professional activity of students are described; disclosed employment opportunities when using distance education technologies; lists the computer programs used for the implementation of distance education and the training mechanism during a pandemic. The authors describe their work experience and the specifics of organizing a psychological support service based at the Department of Psychology and which has gained particular relevance during a pandemic when a change in the usual way of life and the transition to new ways of teaching and work could lead to stress among students, teachers and university staff. The advantages and disadvantages of using information technologies in education and distance learning in teaching psychology at a university are described.


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