The role of ICT and the new Information System "Myschool" in the Αdministration of Elementary Schools: The Case of the School Principals of Imathia Prefecture

Published: Nov 1, 2015
ICT in Primary Education ICT in school management and administration Informational System "MySchool"
Δημήτριος Πιτσιάβας
Δημήτριος Βλαχόπουλος
The traditional school becomes gradually reformed, modernized, appealing and versatile. At the same time the implementation of ICT by the school leader plays an important role on it. The present study deals with the investigation and the recording of the principals' views and perceptions concerning the ICT and the implementation of the new Informational System "MySchool" in the administrative process of an educational organization. The research was carried out in schools of Primary Education of the prefecture of Imathia in NovemberDecember 2014 and 56 primary school principals participated in it, while a mixed research approach was adopted with the use of the questionnaire and the semistructured interview. The results portray the principals as being fervour supporters of the use of ICT in the administration of schools, while at the same time, the acknowledgement of their importance is being presented concerning the amelioration of the educational and administrative process. The implementation of the new Informational System "MySchool" is also deemed positive, since the principals have realised the crucial contribution that such a system may offer, concerning the effectiveness of educational administration and the improvement of the management of the educational work. Nevertheless, they still believe that its role is limited, at this particular moment, concerning the control and management of the instructor and student population of the school.
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