The self-regulated learning and the learning environment in Distance Education

Published: Nov 1, 2015
Self-Regulated Learning σelf-regulation distance learning ICTs
Στέφανος Αρμακόλας
Χρήστος Παναγιωτακόπουλος
Xρυσάνθη Μασσαρά
The self-regulated learning (SRL) is the process, in which the individual selects, manages and evaluates learning activities which deliberately engages in throughout his life. The gradual approach of self-learning applies primarily to adult education. Through teaching emphasis is placed in the learning process. In addition the spread of personal computers and smart phones, as well as the widespread use of the Web, makes the use of ICT in Education necessary. The combination of instruments and tools in distance education available and free access to the constantly evolving knowledge and information, with the ultimate goal of lifelong learning, can meet the increasing demands of modern man on knowledge, expertise, training and lead to a significant reduction of distances and conscious engagement in a more selfmanagement learning. The aim of this research is to investigate the factors that lead to effective learning, through self-management, with the help of Internet platform. The research was conducted to students of the Annual Training Program for Teachers of Higher School of Pedagogical and Technological Education Department in Patras. The results show that distance learning environments positively affect the educational process and contribute to the self-regulated learning.
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