Implementation of blended learning model, by using the Moodle platform, in the Public Institute of Vocational Training of Korydallos

Published: Nov 1, 2015
distance education training blended learning platform of asynchronous e-learning Moodle vocational education and training
Βασιλική Καραϊσκου
Ειρήνη Γεωργιάδη
The purpose of this research is to study the necessity for the implementation of a blended learning model, through the Moodle platform in the public vocational training institutions and specifically in the Institution of Korydallos. The choice of the Moodle platform was made because it collects and combines different learning methods for the students, but also gives special emphasis on the active and supervisory role of the instructor. Within the aforementioned context, the researcher attempted to develop online educational material that aimed at supporting asynchronous learning (via the Moodle platform), which targets to exploit the new data and services offered by the world wide web while implementing new teaching methods offered to make the educational process as more effective as possible. Following the use of educational material via Moodle and the learner evaluation of the overall experience (specifically for trainees of the first half in Early Childhood Education, for the course of the practice and the trainers who taught the course), an in-depth analysis was undertaken regarding the need for the introduction of online learning, as well as the optimal conditions for its implementation, the benefits on learning. These data were obtained by the trainees and trainers of IEK of Korydallos (who participated in this process) and the director of the IEK (representing management) in order to have a complete picture. The research showed that the use of blended learning model, via the platform Moodle, in IEK of Korydallos, is necessary, especially in cases of students’ physical non-attendance in face to face meetings. The advantages in learning are many (for trainees and trainers), provided the process of distance education is implemented effectively, using all the possibilities offered by the learning principles of distance education.
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