Open courses in a Greek higher education institution: faculty views and attitudes

Published: Nov 1, 2015
open courseware higher education
Nikolaos Avouris
Vassilios Komis
John Garofalakis
“Open Courses”, has been a large scale initiative to develop open courseware in Greek higher education. As the project has come to its end, a first evaluation of the outcomes is attempted in this paper at the level of one of the participating universities. The University of Patras has been a major partner in this project. It has been the Greek institution with the higher number of open courses developed in the frame of it. So it is worth looking closely into the produced results and in particular the views and attitudes of the faculty that participated in the process. In this paper, we report on the findings of a survey that was conducted during the final phase of the project. This survey asked key faculty members that participated in the action to provide their view on the experience and make suggestions on the future of open courseware in the University.
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