Embedding Sustainability Justice in Secondary Education Economic Courses Enabled by ICTs

Published: Dec 21, 2017
Education for Sustainable Justice DeCoRe plus Economic Courses
Georgios Vouzaxakis
Vassilios Makrakis

This paper describes the processes of a PhD research seeking to locate the connections and the contradictions of secondary school economic course curricula with the Education for Sustainability Justice (ESJ) concept based on a deconstruction and a reconstruction process. In order to achieve the above goal, the research adopted the DeCoRe plus methodological approach to embed sustainability justice in school curricula. Nine economist teachers, members of an online community of practice, participated in an action research and implemented the reconstructed curriculum in their schools. The results show that the reconstructed curriculum can support teachers in: 1) understanding teaching as an ethical and political praxis and understanding themselves as active constructors of meaning, knowledge and curriculum and 2) developing sustainability justice literacy.

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