Developing and Validating a Sustainability Justice Instrument to Transform Curriculum, Learning and Teaching

Published: Dec 21, 2017
Sustainability justice teacher education reliability analysis
Vassilios Makrakis

This paper deals with the development, validation and reliability testing of a sustainability justice construct. The sustainability justice construct and its contextualization in teaching, learning and curriculum was tested empirically for their reliability with the participation of 258 pre-service teachers in the Department of Education at the University of Crete. The Cronbach alpha reliability analysis revealed that the items measuring these two constructs are valid and reliable (a= 0.81 and a=0.81, respectively). It is emphasized that an instrument that measures sustainability justice issues, in general and, in particular, as it applies to teaching, learning and curriculum, could act as a starting point for increasing teachers and learners’ sensitivity on sustainability issues, thereby acting as a catalyst for transforming unsustainable practices.

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