Experiences of Exploiting the Flipped Classroom for Teaching Mathematics in Primary Education

Published: Dec 21, 2017
Flipped Classroom Digital lessons Primary Education Mathematics
Χαράλαμπος Ν Μουζάκης
Γιώργος Κουτρομάνος
Γρηγόριος Ζερβός
Ιωάννης Σουδίας
Βικτωρία Κατσιαγιάννη

The current research is part of a wider research effort, the aim of which is to investigate the factors that influence the introduction and exploitation of the flipped classroom in the last classes of Primary School. This article focuses on one aspect of this research, and in particular it explores the views and experiences of students and teachers from organising and structuring teaching activities in the context of the implementation of the flipped classroom in four classes of the fifth grade of Primary School. Moreover, the views of the designers of digital content for the flipped classroom were also explored. As a case study, the Mathematics section "Fractions" of the fifth grade of the Primary School was selected. For this purpose, four digital courses were designed with their respective worksheets. The data were collected through diaries from students and teachers, as well as interviews with the designers of the digital lessons. The results of the research showed that flipped classroom was positively accepted by students and gave teachers the opportunity to use more teaching time in the classroom to complete exercises and solve problems. On the other hand, the results showed that the required pedagogical and technological knowledge necessary for the development of digital content combined with the cost of technological equipment make flipped classroom methodology difficult to generalise. Finally, developing autonomous learning - especially when it comes to primary school students - and the question of using the flipped classroom in a supportive way for all students to reduce pre-existing learning disparities are issues in which future research needs to provide answers.

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