Modern Curricula in Higher Education and Training supported by the technologies of Augmented and Mixed Reality: Overview and Recognition of Research Issues

Published: Dec 21, 2017
Augmented Reality Higher Education Training STEAM
Χρυσή Βιτσιλάκη
Σταύρος Πιτσικάλης


 During the last years the need for drastic reforms and reinforcement of curricula at all educational levels is strongly emphasized through the bibliography. Researchers suggest incorporation of modern distance learning practices depending on the scientific field under research. Especially when referring to science curricula, STEM and STEAM concepts are both becoming more often a subject of study, while they become a field where schools, universities and educational institutions invest time and money, in order to embed innovative methods within learning and teaching processes. At the same time, rapid technological developments bring innovations such as Augmented and Mixed Reality (AR, MR), whose implementation within the educational process could enhance the creation of such curricula, especially within Higher Education and Training. The effects on students’ performance and the attractiveness of courses supported by AR and MR technologies could be both interesting research directions. In this paper, we discuss modern approaches concerning curricula in the field of science, such as STEM and STEAM, as well as examples of AR and/or MR implementation within Higher Education and Training. Moreover, we suggest an early-stage research design aiming to receive feedback on the above-mentioned issues and raise points of interest. Finally, some future directions and indicative research questions are presented.

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