A case study of closed groups in facebook of the post-graduate students of the Hellenic Open University of the academic year 2014-2015.

Published: Dec 21, 2017
distance education closed groups Facebook social media Public Pedagogy

Currently students use Facebook to communicate regarding learning issues. However, academic institutions offer online tools designed for the same purpose. This research focuses on the use of closed groups on Facebook as informal learning environments in Distance Learning Education (DLE) by students of the Hellenic Open University. It is a qualitative case study utilising twelve semi-structured interviews conducted with students of the "Adult Education" and the "Studies in Education" MA programs for the 2014-2015 academic year. The research questions were concerned: with the reasons for the creation and the mode of operation of the closed groups created on Facebook by the students. The outcome of the research revealed that the operation of the “study” platform offered by EAP, the students’ need for direct interaction and their established habitus from the Greek educational system regarding the role of the tutor, are stimuli for the creation and use of closed groups on Facebook. These groups motivate students’ learning and within them the students move towards self-organisation, they develop rules, which are respected and a new form of public pedagogy is constructed.

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Author Biography

Research Fellow

Cass School of Education and Communities

Teacher - HOU - Hellenic Open University

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