Feedback of Written Assignments and Writing Self-regulation in Distance Education: Novice Postgraduate Students' Feedback Perceptions at the Hellenic Open University

Published: Dec 21, 2017
feedback perceptions writing self-regulation written assignments distance education Hellenic Open University
Ιωάννα Πράντζιου

The purpose of this study was to explore two different dimensions of the feedback perceptions on written assignments in distance learning. In particular, they were examined (a) perceptions resulting from emotional responses and (b) perceptions of the effectiveness of the feedback received by trainers with regard to writing self-regulation which presupposes the quality of written assignments. A sample of novice postgraduate students from the Hellenic Open University and the section of the 'Education Sciences' were selected for this purpose and were given a questionnaire in the academic year 2016-17. It has been found that students either perceive feedback as emotionally positive or perceive it as highly effective to develop and / or enhance writing self-regulation. In addition, in the case of positive perceptions of feedback (as emotional outcomes), regardless of whether the students perceive that feedback meets basic principles of effectiveness, it was found that writing self-regulation is enhanced. In contrast, in the case of negative perceptions of feedback (as emotional outcomes), the perceived effective feedback is rather detrimental to writing self-regulation. Both the interpretation of the findings and the extensions for further research in the field of distance education are discussed.

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Ιωάννα Πράντζιου, Hellenic Open University

Εκπαιδευτικός ΠΕ70, Med, μεταπτυχιακή φοιτήτρια Ε.Α.Π. 

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