Animation and the Chinese language. An edutaining way of learning Chinese

Published: Dec 21, 2017
method of animation animation and education edutainment Chinese language learning theories communication models
Λαμπρινή Γεώργιος Τριβέλλα
In this era of images and of cultural and economic crisis, there looms a general trend of interest by the Chinese enterprises to invade in the western market and especially in the Greek market. This circumstance urges Greeks into learning the Chinese language as an additional competitive and comparative advantage in the job market. For this reason, some of the Greek parents urge their children to learn the Chinese language. But, learning the Chinese language is a challenge and a difficult task as it has no origins in the Latin alphabet, and it is hard to memorize. Furthermore, the limited editions for learning Chinese in relation to those editions for learning other foreign languages, discourages those who want to learn this language and especially the children. In this frame, this survey presents the creation of supplementary learning material with the method of animation, which makes learning Chinese easier and more entertaining. Firstly, the Chinese language and its characteristics is studied. Secondly, the method of animation as an edutainment tool and its relation to the learning theories and communication models is surveyed. Lastly, the procedure of creating supplementary material for edutainment reasons about learning the first 10 numbers in Chinese characters and pinyin (reading and pronunciation), based on learning and communication theories and models is presented.
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Author Biography
Λαμπρινή Γεώργιος Τριβέλλα, ΤΕΙ Αθήνας
μεταπτυχιακή φοιτήτρια στο ΕΑΠ
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