The benefits of the kindergarten teachers from participating in a peer e-mentoring program aimed at teaching English at the kindergarten.

Published: Dec 21, 2017
peer e-mentoring computer mediated communication teaching English in kindergarten ICT
Κωνσταντία Χρ. Ευταξία
Αρετή Βαλαδίδου

The implementation of peer e-mentoring for the training and co-operation of kindergarten teachers is an innovative educational practice. The purpose of this research is to explore the benefits of a group of kindergarten teachers who participated in a peer e-mentoring program. For six weeks (16/1-24/2/2017) five kindergarten teachers who participated in a peer e-mentoring program met through the Greek School Network (GSN) teleconferencing service but also communicated in other ways (by phone, by mail, viber), with the purpose of interacting and exchanging views on the content and course of the lessons related to the innovative program of teaching English in kindergarten using ICT. The organization of the framework was done by the peer e-mentor while the content of the courses and the planning of the educational process with the active participation of the mentees. At the end of the peer e-mentoring program, the mentees with individual interviews presented their experience. The results of the study were promising and show that peer e-mentoring could be a very effective practice which can help the professional and emotional development of kindergartens mitigating professional isolation.

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Author Biography
Κωνσταντία Χρ. Ευταξία
kindergarten teacher, postgraduate student in HOU
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