E-mandoulidis and Flipped Classroom: a case study for the distance school education at private secondary level

Published: Nov 1, 2015
distance school education applications Flipped Classroom
Δημήτριος Χατζάκης
The present paper is a contribution to the study of distance school education at secondary level in Greece. We will examine how Flipped Classroom is applied in the 2nd and 3rd class of Junior High School of the private Mandoulides School in Thessaloniki, Greece. Our data comes from questionnaires filled by pupils and teachers, and shows that on the one hand Flipped Classroom contributes to a better understanding of the teaching material and an enhancement of the cooperation between teachers and pupils, and of the chances for problem solving. On the other hand, Flipped Classroom does not seem to be integrated enough to teaching praxis or to be considered as one of its important elements, since the majority of the pupils answered that they watch the Flipped Classroom video-lessons only when their teachers tell them to do so, and that teaching praxis does not seem to have changed after the introduction of Flipped Classroom.
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