The case of the Group of Oral History of Kypseli: a open net of adults’ education

Published: Jun 9, 2016
lifelong learnin oral history
Κώστας Θεριανός
Μαριάνθη Μπέλλα

This paper presents the operation of an informal network of adults to explore history of the area in which they live through Oral History. Oral history projects have been made in various countries and regions of Greece with the most recent and well-established the case of the Oral History of Chania, which is supported by the government and the University of Thessaloniki. The Group of Oral History of Kypseli is not supported by any government agency and is composed of local residents, who in collaboration with specialists in oral history are trying to explore the history of their region through interviews with selected informants. The project of Oral History of Kypseli is in progress. Yet, there is already a material and a developed dynamic of the group that can permit us to have a first research approach. The presentation tries to exam the composition, the motivation and the perspective of the Group of Oral History of Kypseli.

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