The so-called ‘hybrid’ Group Consultation Sessions (tutorials) at the Open University of Cyprus, BA Programme in Greek Studies

Αντώνης Κ. Πετρίδης
Γεώργιος Δεληγιαννάκης
Στυλιανή Σουβατζή
Μιχάλης Επιφανίου

This paper focuses on the so-called ‘hybrid’ Group Consultation Sessions (tutorials), as practised by the undergraduate Programme “Studies in Greek Culture” of the Open University of Cyprus (OUC). The term refers to the special kind of Group Consultation devised by OUC, in order to cater to student groups whose population is dispersed all over Greece and Cyprus to the extent that meetings face-to-face are impractical and unmanageable. The ‘hybridity’ of this form of tutorial consists in the fact that part of the student group is physically present in a conventional classroom, while another part, often more numerous, joins the room over the internet by way of the synchronous long-distance learning platform Elluminate Live! The paper analyses in full detail the conditions and the needs which necessitated this special variation of the blended mode of learning at our young institution, which is based in Cyprus but whose student population derives mostly from mainland Greece. Also unpacked here are the technical specifications and capabilities of the synchronous long-distance education platform “Elluminate Live!”, which constitutes the most important tool for carrying out such a ‘hybrid’ session. Furthermore, the paper expounds the pedagogical and methodological characteristics of the ‘hybrid’ session, and the procedures followed by OUC tutors presiding over it. Some of the commonest challenges are also listed. Finally, we append a catalogue of Best Practices for handling a ‘hybrid’ session.


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