Twitter as a tool for professional development and for broadening the personal learning network in education

Published: Jun 9, 2016
Twitter κοινωνική δικτύωση επαγγελματική ανάπτυξη
Έλενα Ελληνιάδου
Βασίλης Ζακόπουλος

The current article attempts to outline briefly how social network “Twitter” is being used by the educational community and to identify positive and negative impacts, resulting from its use. Twitter is a social network that provides communication and networking capabilities and can be used in education as an on-line tool for educational, teaching purposes and for teachers’ professional development. While acknowledging the negative aspects of, social networking contributes to a Personal Learnong Network (P.L.N.) capable to support and encourage teachers’ work and collaboration and also works as a permanent source of lifelong learning.

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  • Editorial