Development and Integration of Teleconference services in Moodle

Published: Jun 9, 2016
Τηλεδιάσκεψη Μέσα ροής Moodle
Φίλιππος Γώττας

Object of present work is the development of a videoconference application and the integration in the Moodle platform. The user after it enters in Moodle it selects the activity of videoconference and it enters in the space where is realized the videoconference. The application of videoconference can serve nine users including the instructor. With the entry, in the application of videoconference, the user picture is dispatched in all participating users and himself receives streams of the others. The instructor, who is supervising the videoconference, can upload presentations to the server and present them to the participants. The application allocates moreover remote sheared objects for voting as well as a pointing object (red ball).  

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