The Contribution of 'Social' Web 2.0 tools in Building Collaborative Knowledge

Published: Jun 9, 2016
social tools web 2.0 collaborative learning distance learning
Τριανταφυλλιά Σύβακα
Αθηνά Γκινούδη
The introduction of the so called “social networking tools” in the everyday life of young people changes the way of acquiring knowledge and information. As a result, the use of Web 2.0 tools for educational purposes makes the learning process more attractive for students, while it promotes collaborative learning and inquiring knowledge. Evenmore, it facilitates the communication between students from remote schools having different cultural backgrounds. Education is now independent of time and place, can be personalized, meeting the interests of each student with a variety of educational material to be available. This paper tries to investigate the implementation of collaborative learning by use of online communication between students from remote secondary Greek schools and to find out whether it helps the self-learning process, improves communication skills, and the skills to use new technologies. In the four case studies presented here students and teachers from the remote schools worked together in a wiki platform and they constructed their own original content, while teleconferences and exchange of visits supported the interschool collaboration. The role of teachers was supportive with emphasis to be given in the active involvement of all students in the learning process.
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