"Learning by Six Thinking Hats", "Artful thinking" and "Learning by design" theories in on-line distance training of teachers

Published: Jun 9, 2016
distance learning lifelong learning Six Thinking Hats learning by Design Artful Thinking.
Σπύρος N. Κιουλάνης
Ξανθή Χουλιάρα
Αλέξανδρος Καράκος
Παναγιώτης Αντωνίου
In the present work we describe the framework of application of the on-line course «Learning by Six Thinking Hats” in which we applied and assess E. De Bono’s methodology known as « Six Thinking Hats” in on-line distance training of teachers. The subject of training was the theories of Artful thinking and Learning by Design, which at the same time, functioned as the methodological tools of the training. Examining the data of the research, it is clear that the application of all three theories in on-line distance training becomes effective in a great extent, as it contributes to Knowledge acquisition ,in a co-operative and communicative learning environment.
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